All you need to know about Dissertation

Dissertation, which is also known as research report, is assigned to students when they are pursuing their master’s course. Dissertation comes quite handy for students who are interested to pursue PhD later.

A perfect dissertation is a master piece that is free from all kinds of errors and is written after considering all rules, regulation and guidelines of the university. The primary role of dissertation advisor is to guide students at different stages of dissertation writing and enhance its quality and readability. The advisor must be an expert in this field i.e. he must have an experience of 5-10 years. He must be able to judge the originality of your work and make sure that there is no plagiarism.

An abstract is the summary of report. It is the most important part present in the beginning of thesis. The maximum size of abstract must be of 350 words. The abstract must represent all the major elements of thesis. It should mirror the structure of whole thesis.

Conclusion is the last chapter of thesis. It presents the ideas of research, offers suggestion, and speculates future advancement to the authors. It states whether the main purpose of the research has been achieved. It requires a lot of effort to prepare a perfect conclusion. Do not introduce any new concepts here. It should be brief, concise and to the point. It should not be lengthy. It should bring closure. You can place final punch here. Writing a conclusion is much more interesting than writing any other section.

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